România va cere Comisiei Europene o amânare pentru închiderea termocentralelor pe lignit ale Complexului Energetic Oltenia (CEO) și a carierelor miniere care le alimentează, potrivit unui document analizat de publicația Cererea de amânare vizează o prelungire de până la trei ani față de termenul actual, stabilit prin planul de restructurare convenit cu Bruxelles. Întârzieri […]
The text describes Romania's request to the European Commission for a delay in closing lignite-fired power plants, potentially for up to three years.
The main conceptual idea is Romania seeking to prolong its dependence on coal-based energy production despite European Union climate goals. This request highlights the tension between national energy security and international environmental commitments.
The text describes Romania's request to the European Commission for a delay in closing lignite-fired power plants, potentially for up to three years. The main conceptual idea is Romania seeking to prolong its dependence on coal-based energy production despite European Union climate goals. This request highlights the tension between national energy security and international environmental commitments.